And thats exactly the case in the world..There is the stinking polictics on one side and the world of glamour, fashion and hot juicy stories of the celebreties from all over on the other.
The latest.. Big Brother show.
And the Winner is.... Bollywood ki doobi huyi heroin
Shilpa Shetty. Congrats Shilpa..
Well i am sure all must have heard wat she had to go through in the house. My blog is about that today..
Don't we all face it in some way or the other everyday.. catogarizing people on the basis of their color.. I am not telling that we are doing it.. but alteast we hear of it rite.. I know we are all against it.. but has a word been spoken out against it openly ever? What has been done to stop it? Nothing.. Well we call ourselves educated,civillized.. I don't think present system of education has done any good.Shilpa shetty is the proof.
People of the world are still ignorant about the fact thats there is something better than glamour and style and skin color.. The fact that we are humans after all.We all go through the same kind of emotions and feelings. We are still to learn how to love people (yes!! including me).
What i have to say today is that guys.. we are all on the same boat.. We study, become something in life. work, enjoy etc.. its all for survival rite.. then why should we treat few so badly just because they are a little less glamourous than us. What i have learnt from this incident!!
Try and treat everyone equal.. U never know tomoro he whom u thought wes not ur level.. might save your life. Common after all we humans are the best!!!
hey gal.. ur too good.. im really proud of u!! gr8 work!! keep witing.. im blogrolling u :)
thanks akk.. but rite now i am out of topic.. don't know wat to write. and don't worry i am not gonna give it up :)
Before discussing about racism and related matters, we should broaden our mind to analyze the issue and to observe the world from a different level. How many of us can say that they are pure from within their heart. I won’t say that I am free from any of such feelings. Yes. I have my ego feelings. Everybody is having an ego feeling within their heart. The only difference is that the intensity varies from person to person.
Let me tell an example. Why we get so much excited when India wins a cricket match over Pakistan, or when Sania Mirza wins over one of her opponents. Its all about a feeling. So Patriotism is also a type of feeling. We cannot term patriotism as an ego because patriotism does not degrade other nations. It emphasis only on the development of own country.
The topic of discussion was categorizing people on the basis of their skin color. But actually when it comes about categorizing People, it is not only in terms of their Skin but also in terms of Religion, Caste and Politics, where the impact of the feeling is very much severe. Money is one of the other factor that separate People.
To me, the most dangerous of these all are about dividing people in terms of religion and cast. Then it comes to politics and last comes to racism and Money. There may be disagreements. But these are real facts. And we are witnessing such incidents more often than not. Never forget about the Communal riots and Political riots that occurred and still occurring in our country. In that sense racism more often ends up with only abuse or defamation.
Before Shilpa shetty-issue, racism was not a matter of discussions for the press. When it came out through the Big Brother show, It automatically became a hot stuff for the media. And that too because Shilpa is a celebrity. Shall I ask You one question, Suppose It was you, Miss Sweta, who got an invitation for the show and had to face such a situation. Do you think there would have been such a media hype? Obviously not. So one thing is clear. The media is not reacting to the problems always, they are just looking for their survival. And others utilize their chance to have blabla over the matter.
I am not telling these things to support racism. I know that racism is also a dangerous decease that affected our society. But never forget that there are more severe issues within ourself to be sorted out first. I don’t know how far it is possible. Lets hope for the best at least….
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